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Visual Studio Code Plugin

1. Go to VScode Extension marketplace in VScode.

2. Look up “Swytchcode”

3. Click “Install” to add Swytchcode extension to VScode

4. Success : Once the extension is added successfully, it will appear on the left pane of VScode.

5. For new users : Create your Swytchcode account by clicking on register.

6. Go to login and enter your email ID and password to login into Swytchcode extension.

7. Click “Login”

8. Click here

9. Click “Search Organization:” to look up available services and enter the name of the company.

10. In this example, user looks up Stripe

11. Example continued : Click on Search API and Select Stripe

12. Click “Search Version:” and select the version of your choice.

13. Click “Select Language:” and choose the programming language of your choice.Click here

14. Click “Search Method:”
Success case: If the methods and code is available in choice of your programming language you will see the list of API methods.
No Methods to display : In this case you will have to go to the console and generate code in choice of your programming language. Check the how to use console for code generation.
You have two options here.\

  1. Scroll down the list of API\
  2. Type in the related keyword or description or name of the method to look up a particular method. This is useful in cases where the API has more than 20 methods.

15. Example : Looking up methods related to card issuing.

16. Click “Copy Method”

17. Paste the copied method in the new file, the method name will appear in between the <Swytch> in the comment format.

18. Select the ling with the <Swytch> tags and press Enter.

19. Success : Code generated successfully for the selected method. The generated code is 99% accurate and you can directly use it to integrate the selected method.

20. To get the code for workflows Click “Select Workflow”

21. Click on Select Language and Select the programming language of your choice.

22. Click on Workflow, a drop down list will appear with available Workflows. Select the one you need to integrate.

23. Click “Copy Workflow”

24. Click here

25. Past the workflow in the new file and press Enter.
Success message : Code generated successfully.